Selet Marine Vanino «Selet Marine Vanino» —
cargo delivery to any port of the world

Ship agency

The Ship agency department of Selet Marine Vanino LLC offers 24-hour year-round first class and secure services for vessels calling at sea ports of Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan. We render assistance in cargo operations and also service passing ships.

Our Ship agency department as a shipping agent in the ports of Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan Bay offers the following:

  • acting as an Agent on the grounds of agreements with companies that need safeguarding their interests in the ports of Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan and when passing through inland waterways in any direction;
  • acting as a mediator (coordinator) between the Cargo owner, Ship owner, Consignor, Consignee and the stevedoring company;
  • issuing the shipping documents, cargo, customs and other documentation, assisting with cargo customs clearance, providing record of cargo, with thorough cargo plan development, and its coordination with the stevedoring company, taking care of the time-efficient cargo operations;
  • keeping the Customer duly informed of the customs and any other rules and regulations issued by the Sea Port Authority, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and other state agencies;
  • assisting in resolution of conflicts or adjustment of claims and help the Master in attracting competent state authorities for protection of interests of the Ship owner or Charterer;
  • providing tug and marine navigation services, mooring, safe berth, fuel bunkering, repair, marine spare parts, underwater examination of ship by divers, potable water supply, provisioning and also performing any services after request of ships calling at ports of Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan Bay;
  • providing sanitary or quarantine inspections, medical aid and also a change (repatriation) of seamen after the Ship owner’s or Master’s request.