Company policies are those of safety
Limited Liability Company Selet Marine Vanino is a shipping company that undertakes onto itself an obligation and the entire responsibility under the International Safety Management Code. Our staffing policies ensure safe ship management and environmental safety at all levels.
Our safety policies are based on the international and Russian national standards (rules and regulations) and are aimed at maritime safety and security, prevention of accidents, saving lives and at environmental protection.
The goal of the shipping company is as follows:
- safe practices in ship operations and safe working and living conditions;
- protection from all identified risks related to ship operations;
- improving the safety and security skills of the ship and shore staff;
- preparedness for prevention of and response to emergencies related to ship operations.
The consistent Company policies are ensured by an efficiently functioning system of maritime safety and security management complying with the International safety management system (according to ISM).
The Company prioritizes maritime safety and security, prevention of accidents, saving people’s lives and protection of environment and every employee considers it as a core duty.
Alcohol and narcotic drugs:
- Crew are prohibited to carry alcoholic drinks on board and they must abstain from drinking as well as from appearing drunk.
- The Company strictly prohibits keeping, distributing and using narcotic drugs of any kind on board. The only exception is the doctor’s prescription for the restricted dosage for a certain period of time and only with permission (and under supervision) of the Master.